I am
sorry to say that I still have nothing to talk about for gaming, but I did do
some work on my 40K Tau infantry and packed up a banker’s box and a half of RPG books to
put in a local used game auction on September 27th. (Link) (I
however will not be able to attend this auction as that weekend I will be in
out of town to watch the 150th anniversary re-enactment of the Battle of Pilot
Knob!) I guess with everything that has
been happening, I just been having basic lack of any motivation, but I have been lacking motivation for miniature gaming for a long time before everything too.
I blame this for my mental illness |
for the issues in Ferguson, everything appears to be normal, but we are not out
of the woods yet as the Grand Jury still has not decided on if there is enough
evidence that the police officer may have done something illegal. So we may have a second round of rioting
depending on how the rioters feel about the Grand Jury’s findings. Hopefully, they will be peaceful regardless
of the findings.
I also blame this guy too |
in trying to be more upbeat for the rest of this entry, let’s talk about some
fun stuff! A long time ago, I put in a
pre-order for the solo board game, ‘Codeword Cromwell: The German Invasion of England, 8 June 1940’
by Fifth Column Games. I got it a while
back, but with everything going on I forgot to mention that I got it. It looks pretty, but I have not read the
rules yet. I will try to do something
soon with it so to get up some kind of a review on it here. No promises when that will happen. I also have the solo board game on the
Falklands conflict, ‘Where There Is Discord’ from Fifth Column Games for a
while and more or less finish reading the rules, but have not tried the game
yet to see if I got a handle on the rules.
Again that is something I need to do in the future so I can put up a
What it seems to be my current enjoyment |
the reading front, I had not been reading much at all over the past couple
months and only really started to pick back up in the last week. I am now 70+% through Fort Davidson and
the Battle of Pilot Knob: Missouri’s Alamo, by Walter Busch. I am really glad that I reading it now. While all of the other books that I read on
the Battle of Pilot Knob, this is the only one that goes into depth about the
building of the fort, garrison life at the fort, and the post-war efforts to
save the fort and make it into a historical park. It has to sacrifices the details on the
battle to cover those other items, but details of the battle can be easily read
in the excellent book, Pilot Knob: The Thermopylae of the West, by Cyrus
A. Peterson.
addition to reading Fort Davidson, I am currently listening to the abridged
version of Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln, by
Doris K Goodwin while I am driving. I am
over 90% of the way through that too. It
is a very good book and the audio speaker, Richard Thomas (John Boy from The
Walton’s), has a good voice to listen to.
I am feeling the need to visit the Lincoln Library in Springfield, IL, very
soon. Plus, I am seriously thinking
buying the unabridged version to listen to as I really enjoyed this one. To give you an idea of the amount of material
that I am missing by listening to the abridged vs. the unabridged version is
the following: the abridged version is
almost 9-1/2 hours long, while the unabridged version is just over 41-1/2 hours
of books and authors, in the next St. Louis Civil War Roundtable meeting,
September 24, the guest speaker will be Dr. Mark A Lause, who authored the book
that I just recently finished, Price’s Lost Campaign: The 1864 Invasion of
Missouri, and will be releasing the second volume to that book soon,
entitled The Collapse of Price’s Raid: The Beginning of the End in Civil War
Missouri. I am looking forward to
attending that presentation.
I bought a bunch of books on Kindle, some were free and most were under $5, if
not $10. I have a plastic bowl that I put
my loose change in and whenever it is filled up, I take it to a coin machine at
a nearby grocery store. If I use it to
get cash, then I lose about 10% in getting dollars…or I can get Amazon.com credit
at 100% of what I put in it. So, here is
a list of what I bought, plus see if you can pick a common theme for most of
the books!:
Border State Contest: Civil War
Comes to Missouri in 1861, by Dick
Sterling Price Returns: The Southern
Counteroffensive to Retake Missouri in 1861,
by Dick Titterington
The Battle of Carthage, Missouri:
First Trans-Mississippi Conflict of the Civil War, by Kenneth E. Burchett
An Account of the Battle of Wilson's
Creek, by Holcombe Aams
Civil War Springfield (Missouri), by Larry Wood, Douglas W. Bostick
The Battle of Massard Prairie,
Arkansas: The 1864 Confederate Attacks on Fort Smith, by Dale Cox and William Cox
The Battle of Westport: Missouri's
Great Confederate Raid, by Paul
Kirkman and Douglas W. Bostick
The Battle of Mine Creek: The
Crushing End of the Missouri Campaign,
by Jeffrey D. Stalnaker
Adaptation Of The Vessels Of The
Western Gunboat Flotilla To The Circumstances Of Riverine Warfare During The
American Civil War, by Lt.Cmd. Nicolas F. Budd
Whip and Spur, (An officer’s personal accounts from the 4th Missouri
Cavalry US) by George E. Waring Jr.
First Kansas Colored Volunteers:
Contributions of Black Union In the Trans-Mississippi West, by Michael Carter, Kurtis Toppert, & Walter Seager
A Pair of Boots, a Hat, and a Gallon
of Beer, (about the 13th Illinois Cavalry) by
J. Roger Kearney
1920 - The Deadliest Year for St.
Louis (Missouri) Police, by Ken
Zimmerman Jr.
The Malvinas War from the
Argentinian Viewpoint, by Lt. Col Ricardo Albert Puche
Pebble Island (Elite Forces
Operations Series), by Jon Cooksey and Francis McKay
Heroes of Jadotville: The Soldiers'
Story, by Rose Doyle
The War in Nicaragua, by William Walker
The Story of the Filibusters, by James Roche
King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of
Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa,
by Adam Hochschild
Q Ship vs U-Boat: 1914-18, by David Greentree and Peter Dennis
Dyatlov Pass Keeps Its Secret, by Irina Lobatcheva, Vladislav Lobatchev, and Amanda
Urbain Grandier: Celebrated Crimes, by Alexandre Dumas père
What I fear |
to have some good gaming news in my next entry!