Current Gaming Projects

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Now, for something completely different!

Well, sorry that I have not posted anything in just over three months. I have been busy with work and sorting through unpainted lead to sell off (check out my selling blog just after Xmas...a lot of stuff will be going up then.) I started to work on my urban terrain for my 1970's UK games, but have not finish it. I sort of side lined it for a while so I could use my table to sort through the tons of unpainted lead to sell. But besides that bit of news, I have some other interesting news to tell!

This Sunday, depending on snow and weather (and work), my friend Combatcolours will be running a WWII game at the local gaming shop, Miniature Market, using those fabulous rules, "I Ain't Been Shot, Mum!" or the equally fabulous rules, "Troops, Weapons & Tactics", both from TooFatLardies. I hope to make it and remember to bring a camera along. 

The next bit of news is about a project that I started on a while back (during the summer) and just have not been very active on getting in it for a while. Tonight while trying to force myself to stay awake and not going to bed by 7:30 p.m. (!!!), I decided to send some time fiddling with it again. I decided that I just better get it out in the open and maybe I will start send a night a week working on updating it. It is a very unfinished piece of work, but figured that some might be interested in seeing what I have finished. A couple of years back, I seriously had been bitten by the American Civil War bug for seeing the battlefields and monuments. I have traveled to many sights in Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Kansas, as well as some sites on the other side of the Mississippi River. So I am now trying to get a website built of my travels and sights, so those who are not able to get to some of these out of the way sites can see the area and the monuments. I hope people enjoy this electronic road trip as much as I really enjoyed making the real trips. 


Game Master Rob Adams said...

I find that I enjoy Two Fat Lardies Rules but have not had any experience with IABSM. I look forward to reading the post.

Game Master Rob Adams said...

Sorry that's Too not Two.