Current Gaming Projects

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Liebster Award

Well, this was unexpected!.  There is a meme going around for the “Liebster Award” and I was put in by Dougie, from the “Dougie's Wargaming Blog.”  (Thank you, Dougie!) I actually got it earlier in the week, but due to work & just being so exhausted, I did not get around to saying anything until now. So staying in with the spirit of reason for the meme award, I accept this award and will follow through the rules as stated below.

Liebster Award Rules

Copy and paste the award on your blog linking it to the blogger who has given it to you.

Pass the award to your top 5 favourite blogs with less than 200 followers by leaving a comment on one of their posts to notify them that they have won the award and listing them on your own blog.

Sit back and bask in that warm fuzzy feeling that comes with knowing that you have just made someone's day!

Honestly, I think just limiting the number to only five is very, very hard as many of the blogs that I follow are well worth the nod of recognition.  Luckily, Dougie nominated several (excluding his, which someone else did already) which I was able to remove from the list of blogs to wrestle with on naming.  So here are the five that I will name in alphabetical order:

Civil War Horrors:  This blog is by the author Sean McLachlan of several Osprey books and a couple of novels.  His blog is mainly about a subject near and dear to my heart, the Civil War in Missouri.  There is usually some great tidbits of ACW history on a very regular basis.  Also check out is travel blog about his trip to Iraq.

England Prevails…:  This blog has just re-stirred to life after a nine month coma this year.  Steve Blease of Wessex Games created this blog to do a modern English Civil War between Royalists & Republicans.  While my personal “Anarchy in the UK” project is more in lines with Mark & Matt’s “Winter of ‘79” blog (which was also nominated by Dougie) for time frame, it does provide some flavor and ideas to help fuel it.

Plastic Zombie:  This blog is by Irqan.  I have been following it and several other blogs that have been running their own zombie survival campaigns using Two Hour Wargames’ rules, All Things Zombie (ATZ).   While I have not started my zombie project up yet (it is tied into the “Anarchy in the UK” project for using the same toys, just need to buy/paint zombies), it is nice to see a different take to the zombie games with Irqan’s blog.  Unlike the other ATZ blogs, Irqan’s zombie game is taking place in the 1920’s and he is using 1/72nd plastic figures.  Plus, Irqan is a friendly and good person to email with.

SP’s Projects Blog:  This blog is by Pete, also a good and friendly person to chat with emails with.  Pete’s blog got some interesting posts on SWAT games and some ideas for resource points in doing SWAT games.  His latest entry on the zombie infection mega-game sounds fun.

Wanted: BRAINS!:  Finally, this blog is one of the other ATZ campaign blogs that I have been following.  It is pretty good and well worth the award and a mention.

And finally, a special mention to this blog as Blake is a local gamer who will run games at stores, put on convention games, paint up big armies, and basically is makes a good effort to keep miniature gaming active going and in St. Louis:  Blake’s Gaming Adventures



Sundance said...

Thanks for the Liebster Award at Wanted:BRAINS! It was quite a surprise and I really appreciate your kind words about the blog and the campaign. Best wishes!

Sean McLachlan said...

Thanks a million for the Civil War Horror shout out! I'll pick out five people to pass this along to and post on Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Hello Joe,

Thanks a lot of the nomination - it's appreciated.



sapperjoe said...

No problem, guys. You all do deserve it.
