First up is some more figures for the Russian Civil War
Above is the second half of the Siberian Rifles formation. This will now give me four units of ten for them.
These two are more for a Pulpy RCW scenario or other games needing Soviet spies, but they are my two Cheka agents, Natasha & Boris...and yes, I have a moose and squirrel that will be in my next batch of miniatures to be painted.
These next two units are for both the Interventionist Allies in the RCW and also for War Plan Crimson
First is some more Canadians. I needed them to increase the units to be ten man units and some extra Lewis guns teams.
Now is another force of US infantry. This will give me eight 10-figure units for War Plan Crimson since they will be the attackers. There is a lot of BARs in this group, but they will replace some of the rifles in the RCW intervention force so in the Crimson games each 10 figure unit will have a BAR.
Next up is a figures for War Plan Crimson and an interwar Cold War skirmish with the Soviets called Ice Station Lima, which is Tiger Miniatures tip of their hat to the novel and movie, "Ice Station Zebra".
First is are heroes of Archaeologists & Scientists. I actually like the figure on the far right as he is holding a Spanish Conquistador's helmet! What is that doing all the way up in the Arctic, is a mystery!
Now is a unit of troopers to protect our heroes. Half are wearing fur coats and the others are wearing skin coats.
Next is a machine gun team to help protect the heroes' discovery site.
Well, we have to get the mysterious dingus back to civilization! What better means for transportation than a reindeer (or caribou if you insist) drawn sled?
Next up is more Tiger Miniatures goodness that can be used for War Plan Crimson, Ice Station Lima, or for its only mini-project, Death Hunt. This is another Tiger Miniatures wink to another movie, "Death Hunt", which is a highly fictional account of the famous pursuit of a mad trapper in the Yukon in 1931-32 by the name of Albert Johnson. It really is an amazing criminal and survival adventure which you should read up on, even if just the Wiki article.
The three guys in white are the three heroes from the movie, Death Hunt. Unfortunately, the one on the right should actually be a black American instead of white. I am going to fix that later. To the right of them are four Canadian Mounties in winter gear and finally, the mad trapper himself, Albert Johnson.
In the movie, Albert Johnson, played by Charles Bronson, was actually not a bad guy. Not only was he being pursued by the Mounties, lead by the actor Lee Marvin, but also being pursued by the other trappers that he had a run in with at the beginning of the movie. Well, these guys are them! This could make for an interest three game of survival with one player being Albert Johnson, another being the Mounties, the third being the trappers.
This now leads into more figures that are tied into War Plan Crimson, Ice Station Lima, Death Hunt, and now, the Yukon Perils! Actually the two sets of figures above will also work for the Yukon Perils games too.
Of course we should start off with the good guys of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police lead by SGT Preston and his loyal dog, Yukon King.
Next are the trouble makers for SGT Preston's toopers in the line of mad trappers!
Now are some treeline toughs that might be trouble or just some rugged individuals.
Some more rugged individuals for the Mounties to deal with or protect.
Yeah, these are Polar Explorers, but could easily be in the Yukon. Why would explorers be so heavily armed is a good question for the the Mounties to ask!
Being really the only representation of the Canadian government in the Yukon, the Mounties must also deal with checking up on the Inuits and make sure they are not making any trouble.
If they are not diligent in their duties, the Mounties may have to deal with an Inuit rebellion!
Finally, someone that is non-threatening and will probably be needed to be saved by the Mounties at some time during their time in the Yukon. But what will they need to be saved from?
Hmm, well a couple of angry Sasquatches would be worst than a polar bear...but could there be something else?
A family of displaced Yetis!
Now for a moment of Zen...
Be seeing you,
A great collection of figures. Must have felt like an early xmas unwrapping all of those.
I'm looking forward to all of the game reports with them in.
Keep an eye out for after 11/13 for an AAR. I am hoping to get a game in on 11/12 if all goes well.
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